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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Top Penny Stocks Buy 10/1/14 October 1, 2014

The following is a list of the Most Popular Penny stocks Under $2 and  200k over  volume.This list shows that I always keep my watch list on Top Penny Pick for day  which makes great trading opportunity for the next day or week. These are the stocks that I will be monitoring today and tomorrow for day trading opportunities.

This  is  favorite way to track potential breakout Penny stocks that I am watching.My Daily Trading Activities - Membership Access.

Below these are the Top Penny Stocks Performance of the day September 30, 2014.

Ticker     Company     Change
SPEX   Spherix Incorporated    65.96%
MTL    Mechel OAO   50.67%
RGSE  Real Goods Solar, Inc. 14.67%
BAXS  Baxano Surgical, Inc.    14.38%
RCPI   Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals, Inc.        12.00%
INUV  Inuvo, Inc.        11.94%
DLIA   dELiA*s, Inc.   11.46%
TWER Towerstream Corporation         8.03%
QRHC Quest Resource Holding Corporation    7.50%
GEVO Gevo, Inc.        7.03%
EGLE   Eagle Bulk Shipping, Inc.          6.69%
DVR    Cal Dive International Inc          6.59%
ETAK  Elephant Talk Communications Corp.   6.19%
CVM   CEL-SCI Corporation  6.01%
SYN    Synthetic Biologics Inc. 5.95%
NLST  Netlist Inc.        5.31%
NBY    NovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 5.00%
ROX    Castle Brands Inc.        4.80%
OPXA Opexa Therapeutics, Inc.          4.47%
PLM    Polymet Mining Corp.   3.85%
EDMC Education Management Corporation     3.81%
DSCO Discovery Laboratories Inc.      3.37%
CAK    CAMAC Energy, Inc.  3.17%
OIBR-C           Oi SA  2.78%
MM     Millennial Media Inc.    2.76%
ONCY Oncolytics Biotech Inc. 2.68%
MVIS  Microvision Inc.            2.65%
APP     American Apparel, Inc. 2.50%
DRWI  DragonWave Inc.         2.50%
FREE   FreeSeas Inc.   2.38%
OMEX Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc.          2.25%
KWK  Quicksilver Resources Inc.        2.17%
ACLS  Axcelis Technologies Inc.          2.05%
WPCS WPCS International Incorporated         1.82%
AEZS   Aeterna Zentaris Inc.    1.52%
WYY   WidePoint Corp.          1.48%
OIBR   Oi SA  1.45%
PLG     Platinum Group Metals Ltd.      1.43%
PIP      PharmAthene, Inc.        1.14%
AVNW            Aviat Networks, Inc.    1.12%
RGDO Regado Biosciences, Inc.          0.89%
LIQD   Liquid Holdings Group, Inc.      0.74%
PSUN  Pacific Sunwear of California Inc.          0.56%
HEB     Hemispherx Biopharma, Inc.     0.28%
ETRM  EnteroMedics Inc.        0.00%
LFVN  Lifevantage Corporation           0.00%
IPAS    iPass Inc.          0.00%
AMCN            AirMedia Group Inc.    0.00%
CPST   Capstone Turbine Corp.           0.00%
RBY    Rubicon Minerals Corporation  0.00%
RSH     RadioShack Corp.        0.00%
RNN    Rexahn Pharmaceuticals, Inc.    0.00%
VICL   Vical Incorporated        0.00%
END    Endeavour International Corporation     -0.33%
AOI     Alliance One International, Inc. -0.51%
MSTX Mast Therapeutics, Inc.            -0.54%
AMSC American Superconductor Corporation -0.70%
CRIS   Curis, Inc.        -0.70%
NAVB Navidea Biopharmaceuticals, Inc          -0.75%
FRO    Frontline Ltd.    -0.79%
QTM   Quantum Corporation   -0.85%
KIOR  KiOR, Inc.       -0.86%
MNGA            Magnegas Corporation -0.86%
DNN   Denison Mines Corp.    -0.87%
MDW  Midway Gold Corp.     -0.95%
UMC   United Microelectronics Corporation    -1.00%
JOEZ   Joe's Jeans Inc. -1.02%
UPIP    Unwired Planet, Inc.     -1.06%
ACST  Acasti Pharma Inc.       -1.28%
BAA    Banro Corporation       -1.31%
REE     Rare Element Resources Ltd.    -1.52%
MEET  MeetMe, Inc.   -1.99%
DVAX Dynavax Technologies Corporation       -2.05%
LXRX  Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.   -2.08%
ATRS  Antares Pharma Inc.     -2.14%
PPHM Peregrine Pharmaceuticals, Inc. -2.16%
PZG     Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.         -2.17%
USAT  USA Technologies Inc. -2.17%
IMUC  ImmunoCellular Therapeutics, Ltd.        -2.20%
STEM  StemCells Inc.  -2.33%
ANAD Anadigics, Inc.  -2.46%
DEJ      Dejour Energy Inc.       -2.48%
MUX   McEwen Mining Inc.    -2.49%
CIDM  Cinedigm Corp.            -2.52%
ENZN  Enzon Pharmaceuticals Inc.       -2.70%
ADAT  Authentidate Holding Corp.      -2.86%
GPL     Great Panther Silver Ltd           -2.86%
RIGL   Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.        -3.00%
NEPT  Neptune Technologies & Bioressources, Inc.    -3.02%
PAL     North American Palladium Ltd. -3.05%
UEC    Uranium Energy Corp.  -3.10%
MCP    Molycorp, Inc. -3.25%
ZGNX Zogenix, Inc.    -3.36%
NSPH  Nanosphere, Inc.          -3.39%
GSS     Golden Star Resources, Ltd.     -3.44%
AMRN            Amarin Corporation plc            -3.54%
LAS     Lentuo International Inc.           -3.59%
PCO    Pendrell Corporation    -3.60%
SVM    Silvercorp Metals Inc.   -3.64%
SIGA   SIGA Technologies, Inc.           -3.67%
URG    UR-Energy Inc.            -3.77%
EXEL   Exelixis, Inc.     -3.77%
RTK    Rentech, Inc.    -3.93%
TGB     Taseko Mines Ltd.       -3.95%
RVLT  Revolution Lighting Technologies, Inc.   -4.00%
BPZ     BPZ Resources, Inc.     -4.02%
OCLR  Oclaro, Inc.      -4.03%
AXU    Alexco Resource Corporation   -4.30%
AVEO AVEO Pharmaceuticals, Inc.    -4.31%
SVLC  Silvercrest Mines Inc.   -4.49%
VRNG Vringo, Inc.      -4.53%
IKAN  Ikanos Communications, Inc.    -4.65%
CREG  China Recycling Energy Corporation     -4.65%
LSG     Lake Shore Gold Corp.            -4.72%
PRKR  Parkervision Inc.           -5.00%
DNDN Dendreon Corp.           -5.26%
DSS     Document Security Systems, Inc.          -5.56%
WTSL  The Wet Seal, Inc.        -6.16%
CGA    China Green Agriculture, Inc.    -6.16%
IFON   Infosonics Corp.           -6.16%
ASM    Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd.            -6.16%
ZQK    Quiksilver Inc.  -6.52%
ONTY Oncothyreon Inc           -6.80%
COCO Corinthian Colleges Inc.            -7.92%
AVL    Avalon Rare Metals Inc.           -8.00%
GURE  Gulf Resources, Inc.     -8.33%
CYTX  Cytori Therapeutics, Inc.           -8.65%
VTG    Vantage Drilling Company        -9.29%
FST     Forest Oil Corporation -10.69%
ISR      IsoRay, Inc.      -11.52%
MCZ    Mad Catz Interactive Inc.         -12.44%
ZBB     ZBB Energy Corporation          -18.84%

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