Tension over Syria is today's excuse for buying as the metal pops 1.6% to $1,415 per ounce. Gold's now up about 18% from its late-June low in the $1,200 area. GLD +0.9% premarket. Technician Michael Kahn looks at his charts and says gold broke through key resistance last week and now has its sights set on its former price floor of $1,542. Silver's support and resistance levels are not as well defined, says Kahn, but the metal up is tandem with gold this morning, +1.5% to $24.10 per ounce. SLV +0.15%. Precious metal ETFs: GLD, IAU, SGOL, PHYS, AGOL, DGL, UBG, DGP, UGL, DZZ, GLL, DGZ, UGLD, DGLD, GLDI, SLV, SIVR, AGQ, DBS, USV, ZSL, USLV, DSLV, SLVO.
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